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Sunday, December 30, 2012

end of the world, the hobbit, xmas shopping etc....chuck!

well, here we are, at the very end of 2012...and if hadn't noticed already, the world DID NOT end on the 21st..actually i had a very pleasant 21st, i was alone! i got up early early and watched the sunrise! and enjoyed a nice yule/winter solstice alone! as for my xmas shopping really turned out to be an adventure of sorts..... i didn't realize i had bought a ticket for the hobbit at the theater in pinetop, rather than the theater in i got to drive another 15 or so miles to the other, bigger theater to see  the movie..and of course, i always leave my phone in the car when i go to the theater, so i was oblivious to the fact there was a major power outage in heber/overgaard.  Some freakin idiot shot the main transformer and the power was completely out form around 1 pm until around 11:30 pm that night....i had several calls and voicemails form mom and dad telling me to stop and kfc on the way home and grab a big bucket of chicken....goodie! and we ate by candle and flashlight got pretty chilly in the house, around 56 degrees before the power was finally restored.....and interesting end to an already interesting day! as far as my phoenix trip..i did manage to talk dad into stopping at trader joes! we couldn't find in on the way there, but found it on the way back..i got a case of misc 3 buck chuck! and a jar of 21 spice salute, and a fresh bottle of balsamic vinegar....and i ended up with a vicious headache as we made our way up the mountain, i guess I'm not used to the heavier air pressure in the valley.  as for "change in the air" it finally happened...the place i work sold and i have a new employer..very nice lady, even a small raise of sorts! i was making less than minimum, not I'm making minimum! oh joy! all in all, an interesting December to remember!  I was planning on excessive amounts of fireworks on new years eve, but looks like the weather will not be cooperating....oh well, i didn't get a chance to re-stock my supply anyway......maybe over winter I'll get to go to the fireworks store! other than that......not a heck of  a whole lot else going on......just finished my coffee and got the laundry going....have to venture out and try and find champagne... good luck! heh.......until next time......

Saturday, December 15, 2012

its snowing! the end of the world and Christmas!

Greetings all! Tis a cold and snowy night here in good ole, mean...overgaard Az.....we got our first snow of the week on wednesday..and its still snowing saturday night! which kind of sucks because i am going Christmas shopping, and going to see The Hobbit tomorrow...hope the roads will be clear....the weather has great freakin timing once far so good at work, first full week with new owner...i even got a raise of sorts...i'm now a legal employee making actual minimum wage! yay! no more below minumum for me! hopefully.....we've had 2 straight days of no business...par for the course in the winter here, and when it snows, nobody really eants to go owner will hopefully not be too surprised when it happens again...and it will...... but so far so good....we will be closed saturdays for the rest fo the winter.....which means i get a 4 day weekend for christmas!!! <* does backflips back and forth across the room*>  ya right...heh......but it will be nice to not have to work christmas eve for a change.....i'll have saturday thru tuesday off!!! woo hoo!!! mom and I have yet to start our yearly baking and making frenzy..ive decided to make snickerdoodles this year.....or at least try to......never had one before so it aughta be interesting......lets see...what else..hmmm.......oh ya! next friday is the 21stof December 2012!!! the end of the world!!!! um..ya right...i dont personally believe that, but mom is extremely paranoid of the fact and she is preparing and annoying everyone over it......I cant wait for 12:01 am december i can say to her..told ya so!!!!! heh......I am going to extremely party on new years eve this year to cvelebrate the world not ending onthe 21st......things are definately get worse..but no collosal destruction in my lifetime......i really wanted to re-stock my fireworks supply, but never got the chance to get to snowflake......and i think they are closed tomorrow....bummer...i still have quite a bit i'll make due i guess...heh......other than that.......i had a massive monstrous headache all day today and thankfully we closed up early today so i could come home and collapse......which i did......feeling a bit better now......I'm working on laundry tonight because i wont be home at all least not until 6 or so weekend, I'm going to go down to Phoenix to visit my aunts before least that the plan...i would very much like to go to trader joes and get some 3 buck chuck! we'll see if i can talk my dad into stopping..heh......thats about it for now......until next time....